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How To Start Your Own Business in 2024

So, you want to start your own business in 2024? Congratulations! You’re about to embark on one of the greatest adventures of your life.

Thanks to constant innovations in technology, evolving consumer trends, and the rise of the digital economy, it’s never been easier or more profitable to start your own business.

Society is becoming more digitally connected every year. People shop online, binge-watch streaming services, and communicate via social media. Everyone has a mobile phone. The Internet is everywhere.

The increasing digitalization of society provides a need for technological solutions. Opportunities and profits exist for people who can meet these demands.

People like you.

The tech industry has plenty of growth opportunities for small business starters, personal brands, and those who want to work for themselves or start side hustles.

10 Ways To Make Money Online

There are so many ways to make money online:

  1. Web Development
  2. Blogging
  3. E-commerce and online retail
  4. Micro-education courses
  5. E-books and digital product sales
  6. Digital marketing services
  7. Graphic design
  8. YouTube and other video platforms
  9. Software and app development
  10. Cybersecurity

This list is far from exhaustive. If you can think of other ways to make money online, list them on a note for yourself or, even better, post them in the comments section of this blog article.

7 Necessary Steps to Start Your Business

There are seven important steps you will need to complete before starting a business.

1. Identify Your Niche

Your niche is the specialized market within your chosen industry that you target with your business. By choosing a specialized niche you position yourself to cater to that audience with tailored content, products, and services.

Your niche reflects the identity and interests of your ideal client. For instance:

  • A fashion blog might cater to an audience seeking vintage and retro looks.
  • A fitness vlog might target exercise enthusiasts on YouTube and other video platforms.
  • A software developer might focus on building healthcare solutions.

Ideally, your niche should reflect your own interests and passions. This makes it easier to motivate and inspire yourself, which makes it easier to create content, products, and services.

When you harness your knowledge, you leverage your expertise in topics. When you follow your passions, you heighten your motivation and productivity.

2. Perform Market Research

Market research is collecting and analyzing information about your chosen market and competitors to help with business decision-making: product development, marketing, and advertising.

  • Your niche is your target market. You need to understand their needs, preferences, and pain points (the problems they wish to solve in their lives) so that you can address them with your products, services, and marketing.
  • Analyze your chosen industry: the trends, market size, and growth potential.
  • Research your competitors’ strengths, weaknesses, strategies, price models, and product offerings.
  • Perform a data analysis where you analyze the data you have collected during your market research for insights that can further inform your business strategy.
  • Identify your own optimal pricing strategies, supply, and distribution channels.

Ideally, your market research should be an ongoing task: a cycle that evolves over time according to your brand’s direction and needs.

3. Validate Your Business Idea(s)

Business idea validation is deciding the viability of a business concept and whether it has market value.

This can involve investigating financial and legal feasibility, your market research analysis, prototyping of products, collecting feedback from customers, iteration, and beta testing.

Once you have investigated a business concept, you decide whether to continue the idea, adjust it, or pivot to an entirely different concept. Then you continue to assess your ideas, in a cycle.

Each of these steps are ongoing cycles because you need to constantly assess and reassess the way your business or brand operates in the real world if you want to see growth and prosperity.

4. Create a Business Plan

A good business plan is a vital step in launching a small tech business. It helps you articulate your vision and goals and serves as a roadmap for the future development of your business.

A slim business plan might consist of the following sections:

4.1. Executive Summary

A brief but punchy overview of your business proposal and the rest of the document for busy executives who might otherwise throw your proposal in the bin.

4.2. Business Description

Describe your business, its purpose, and the problem it addresses in the marketplace. Explain the mission and goals of your organization.

4.3. Market Analysis

Include your market analysis information in your business plan. Extrapolate target psychographics and demographics for your ideal customer. Create a visibility strategy, and ways to turn prospective customers into paying customers.

4.4. Organization and Management

Outline the structure of the business including legal structure, key team members, and roles.

4.5. Product or Service Lines

A list of the products and services that you plan to sell and the value they provide to customers.

4.6. Production and Delivery

Describe how you create your content, products, and services, and how you distribute them to an audience and customers.

4.7. Marketing and Sales Strategy

Marketing and Sales Strategy: An outline of the marketing plan (target customer profiles, positioning, and price strategy). An outline of your sales strategy.

4.8. Risk Analysis

Identify the potential risks your business may face and prepare mitigation and avoidance strategies for each of them.

4.9. Goals

This section might include financial forecasting, but if you are starting a new business, it is likely you cannot confidently provide such details. Still, you should make financial goals for the one year, three year, and five year marks, and update them when you can get better projections.

Your business plan should be a changing, living document that reflects the current vision, goals, and operations of your organization.

5. Build a Prototype or Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

A prototype is an early test version of a product created to validate a product idea, design, or functionality before releasing it to a wider market. Prototypes often have limited functionality and are less costly, requiring less investment than fully developed products.

A prototype could be a single customised dog ball for testing, or it could be user interface diagrams on paper, with no working code or functionality. Prototypes can be pitched to customers or potential investors and used to gather user feedback and marketing data before investing in more complete products.

Minimal viable products are still in early stages of development, but they contain the minimum amount of functionality to fulfil a need and have value to users. They are used to validate product concepts and gather feedback and other data to help further refine the product.

Develop a prototype first, or if you know how then go straight to a minimum viable product. Otherwise, start educating yourself on how to make and distribute your dream product.

What product or service would you pay money to buy or use? Your desires should reflect your niche.

6. Legal and Regulatory Considerations

I am not a lawyer!

Having said that, you need to consider legal and regulatory concerns before and after you start trading. These can vary wildly depending on your region, industry, niche, products, and services.

Business registration and taxes are things you will certainly have to contend with.

When starting out you can use Microsoft Excel or Google Spreadsheets as inexpensive ways to track your spending and revenue for tax purposes.

I recommend considering the services of a local lawyer and accountant to ensure your business is compliant with laws and regulations and to answer any other questions you have. Do not take advice about law or taxes from me or anyone who isn’t a professional in that specific area and physical locale.

7. Launch Your Business

With a business plan, prototype or minimum viable product, and legal and regulatory concerns out of the way, you are finally ready to launch your business. Congratulations! Now go make some sales!


If you want to start your own tech business in 2024, you should:

  1. Identify your niche.
  2. Perform market research.
  3. Validate your business idea(s).
  4. Create a business plan.
  5. Build a prototype or minimum viable product (MVP).
  6. Fulfil any legal or regulatory considerations.
  7. Launch your business.

To get this checklist and the business plan checklist as a free printable PDF, click this link.

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I wish you success in your journey of life, business, entrepreneurship, and self-improvement.


Brendan Gasparin

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